문혜린展 / 빛과 꿈 / 대백프라자 갤러리 B관

2023. 6. 20. 06:00갤 러 리/예술작품

[대백프라자 갤러리 A관 B관 출입구쪽에서 담은 전경]
[출입구쪽에서 담은 전시실 내부 전경]
[출입구에서 담은 전시실 내부 우측 전시작품 전경]
[황금배경템페라 제작과정(4'13") 영상 / 애니메이션 편집]
[DREAM / Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas / 45x45cm / 2018]
[DREAM / Acrylic on canvas / 20x20cm / 2017]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 15x23cm / 2018]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 22x29cm / 2015]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 15x23cm / 2018]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 18x29.5cm / 2020]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 15x20cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 15x20cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 15x20cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 22x29cm / 2020]
[전시실 내부 전시작품 전경]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 30x21cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 30x21cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 30x30cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 30x30cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 30.5x30.5cm / 2019]
[전시실 내부 전시작품 전경]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 22x29cm / 2021]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 16x22cm / 2021]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 16x22cm / 2021]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 22x29cm / 2018]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 22x22cm / 2020]
[전시실 내부 전시작품 전경]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 20x20cm / 2020]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 25x25cm / 2019]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 14.5x16cm / 2019]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 15x15cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 15x15cm / 2023]
[DREAM / Tempera and gold leaf on wood / 22x29cm / 2019]
[전시실 내부 전시작품 전경]


문혜린展 / 빛과 꿈 / 대백프라자 갤러리 B관

전시작품 소개를 마칩니다.^^